Posts by "agnieszka"

ARC Linkage grant success – 293,000 AUD

Great news. Me, Dr. Kevin Schnepel and Prof. Bob Slonim are joining forces with Sydney Opera House to conduct research on charitable giving. The project aims to understand customers’ philanthropic motives within the customer-organisation relationship, by combining existing data with behavioural-economic motivated field and lab experiments to study Sydney Opera House customers’ motives for philanthropy. Due to rising costs, budget cuts and greater community outreach, many art organizations increasingly rely on their customers for philanthropic support. The findings are expected to broaden and deepen theoretical understanding of altruism and preferences for charitable behaviour within the social science literature, and provide at organisations with empirically-tested approaches to improve their philanthropy.

Australian Research CouncilSOH-Logo-2012

Raising the bar

After its huge success in New York City, San Francisco, Seattle and Hong Kong, “Raising The Bar” series is coming to Sydney. You can learn more about this fun initiative that puts together two best things in the world – science and beer – by visiting this website

My talk is now sold out. Extra tickets will be released on October 12th. Book your calendars for October, 20th at 6.30 in Freda’s!

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Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence “Life Course Centre” seed grant – 30,000 AUD

Together with Dr. Stefanie Schurer we were extremely happy to receive seed money from the LCC for a project that will investigate the role of risk and time preferences as well as personality traits in a randomised control trail that assists 400 overweight patients in losing and maintaining healthy weight. We are working on this project with a great team from the Boden Institute at the University of Sydney. Stay tuned for the results!

Brain and Mind Research Institute becomes even more interdisciplinary

After a year of planning and too many advisory board meetings, the Brain and Mind Research Institute at Sydney has been transformed to a Special Priority Area of Collaboration (SPARC). The goal of this new University of Sydney SPARC is to create an integrated research on brain and mind.
More on the transformation

Australian Research Council grant – 378,000 AUD

I received the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award from the Australian Research Council to investigate the effect that observation has on behaviour. For the next three years I can focus on my research free from teaching obligations.
Australian Research Council