Professor & Director of the Experimental Economics Lab
School of Economics, The University of Sydney
President of the Society of Neuroeconomics
Director of the ARC Lifecourse Centre of Excellence University of Sydney node
Editorial Board of Experimental Economics
Co-director of the Neuroeconomics Summer School
Research expertise
I combine theory and methodology from economics, psychology, and neuroscience for a better understanding of how people decide, why they sometimes make seemingly wrong decisions, and how to make them better choosers. In recognition of the impact of my research program, in 2017 I received the Award for Contributions to Understanding Decision Making from the Society for Neuroeconomics.
Upcoming talks
Nov. 2023 UNSW-UQ Economic Theory Festival: Bounded Rationality, Information and Markets, Brisbane
Dec. 2023 Australasian Neuroscience Society, Brisbane (symposium speaker – Risk, uncertainty and reward: Understanding the computational and neural mechanisms of decision making in health and disease)
Keynotes (selected)
2023 Society for Experimental Finance Annual Meeting
2023 Behavioural Game Theory workshop, University of East Anglia
2018 Australia New Zealand Workshop in Experimental Economics, Auckland, New Zealand
2018 13th Nordic Conference in Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Odense, Denmark
2018 Virginia Tech University Public Lecture at the Workshop on Advances in Decision Theory
2017 European Economic Science Association Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria